Municipal Development Plan

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Our Camrose, Our future

For us to shape our future, we must first envision it! Camrose is updating our vision through a new document – Our Camrose, Shaping the Future. This document is a visionary plan that will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient city for ourselves and future generations. This plan will not only our land use planning, but also our economic, social, cultural, and ecological future.

This is your city and your opportunity to contribute to the creation of our future vision.

What is Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?

Our Camrose

Our Camrose, Our future

For us to shape our future, we must first envision it! Camrose is updating our vision through a new document – Our Camrose, Shaping the Future. This document is a visionary plan that will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient city for ourselves and future generations. This plan will not only our land use planning, but also our economic, social, cultural, and ecological future.

This is your city and your opportunity to contribute to the creation of our future vision.

What is Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?

Our Camrose, Shaping the Future is a Municipal Development Plan (MDP). An MDP is a long-range, statutory document that describes the desired future land use for a community and outlines a high-level plan on how the community is expected to change over time.

What is the process for creating Our Camrose, Shaping the Future?

Our Camrose, Shaping the Future will include a process of in-depth research and engagement. This process includes three major steps:

1. Establishing the future vision for Camrose – What kind of future do we want for our city? What should Camrose look and feel like over the next 20 to 30 years?

2. Creating the plan on how to get there – How will we achieve our vision? How should we approach land use, the economy, transportation, environment, and social aspects of our City to achieve the vision?

3. Creating an implementation plan – What do we need to do? What is required to support the decisions we must make to achieve the community vision?

  • Growth Study

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    On January 22, 2024, Administration presented the Growth Study to City of Camrose Council. A Growth Study is a comprehensive examination of future growth predicted for Camrose. The growth predictions developed in the Growth Study are based on the City’s historic growth rate and future growth projections, with considerations for demographic shifts and employment forecasting. In combination with existing land supply analysis, the Growth Study provides varied future growth scenarios for population and employment. The Growth Study also establishes potential land that Camrose may require to accommodate future growth, and identifies what areas could be developed because of that growth.

    The growth study was developed by Green Space Alliance, in conjunction with 360 Collective.

    A copy of the Growth Study can be found here.

  • Provide your input!

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    Did you miss the Technical Review Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting on November 9 but still want to provide your input? Here is a link to the presentation boards from the meeting. Let us know what you think by November 24, 2023 at!

  • Technical Review Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

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    The Technical Review Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) met on November 9, 2023, and provided guidance on the following topics:

    • Reviewed and provided comments on the draft community values for Camrose that will form the overall theme and guiding principles of the plan;
    • Reviewed the draft growth study, and discussed new residential communities and supporting commercial and industrial development; and
    • Reviewed high-level policy sections that will form the backbone of the text for the plan.

    Thank you to members of the TAC and CAC who were able to attend the meeting to provide their input!

    Moving forward, the City of Camrose will work to finalize the Growth Study, and present to Council before the end of the year.

  • Phase 2 - Growth Study

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    The City of Camrose is excited to continue conversations this fall as our staff work together with the consultant on the completion of the growth study. A Growth Study is a comprehensive look at the trends of a municipality's growth over time. It investigates historic population growth, demographics as well as land supply and absorption to project how and where the City's growth should occur in the future. The City of Camrose last had a growth study completed in 2006. The growth study will inform the MDP by determining where new community growth is likely to occur, so that policy and standards for that growth can be written into the policy of the MDP.

  • Phase 1 Engagement Report – What We Are Hearing [Summer Update]

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    The project team were pleased to have the opportunity to engage so many Camrosians through the first round of engagement. People participated in sessions, open houses, surveys, and meetings. The project team has developed a What We Are Hearing report to summarize the important conversations about the future of Camrose. The focus of the project team over the summer months will be on the community growth study – looking at how, where, and when Camrose is expected to grow. Thank you to everyone that participated, and we look forward to hearing more from you in Fall 2023.

  • March 1 Project Update

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    February 23 Open House

    The City of Camrose hosted the first Municipal Development Plan Open House on Thursday, February 23, 2023, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Jeanne & Peter Lougheed Performing Arts Centre.

    The Open House had an incredible turnout of 101 people. Thank you to all the citizens who braved the cold that night to join in the discussion to shape Camrose’s future for the next 25 years!

    Thank you also to citizens who provided their thoughts to our first survey: what do you love about Camrose and what is your dream for Camrose. We have received 526 responses which is a fantastic response rate.

    Overview of Open House

    • Provided details on each stage of updating the Municipal Development Plan.
    • Provided an overview of the four phases for public engagement to update the Municipal Development Plan.
    • Asked citizens to answer the first survey questions:
      1. What do you love about Camrose?
      2. What is your dream for Camrose?
    • You can view all of the posters from the Open House here.

    What’s Next

    • Next, the Community Advisory Committee will review all of the input from the Open House and the survey responses to help determine the main themes and values expressed from Camrosians.
    • The summary of the input will be posted here on Our Camrose. Sign up to receive notifications and project updates under the “Stay Informed” section on the bottom right side of the webpage.
  • Our Camrose: Shaping the Future

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    For us to shape our future, we must first envision it! The City of Camrose is updating our vision through a new document – Our Camrose, Shaping the Future. This Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a visionary plan that will set our course toward ensuring we are a healthy, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient city for ourselves and future generations.

  • Technical Advisory Committee and Community Advisory Committee Update

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    The City’s first Technical Review Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting has occurred on January 16th and January 18th. We have members on the CAC with various roles throughout the community.

    The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a forum for representatives of local community organizations to provide input on the various topics that will be addressed in the MDP such as land use, development, transportation, infrastructure, social and economic development, and the environment.

    The mandate for the CAC is to:

    • Advise City staff in the development of the MDP;
    • Encourage the community to participate in engagement activities;
    • Collaborate with staff to ensure stakeholder input is incorporated and to review the information presented by the project team;
    • Receive process updates from the project team (consultant and City);
    • Inform the project team on the local context, land use and development trends, social, economic and environmental issues, and opportunities relative to Camrose; and
    • Provide advice on the preferred direction and updates to the MDP.

  • Municipal Development Plan Background Information

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    Project Background

    The City of Camrose is initiating the process of reviewing and rewriting the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) which was last adopted by the Council in August 2011.

    The new Camrose MDP will be a city-wide strategic growth plan that illustrates how we use land, move, and improve our economic, social, and environmental well-being. The plan will highlight opportunities for collaboration between local government and the broader community to create a better city for all residents and businesses.

    What is a Municipal Development Plan?

    A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a long-range, statutory document that describes the desired future land use for a community and outlines a high-level plan on how the community is expected to change over time.

    In Alberta, the Provincial Government requires that all municipalities adopt an MDP. The requirements for an MDP are outlined in the Municipal Government Act (MGA), which is a piece of legislation that empowers municipalities to shape their communities. The act regulates how municipalities are funded and how governments should govern and plan for growth.

    What is the scope of Camrose’s Municipal Development Plan?

    The MDP will address challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and provide direction on topics such as future land use patterns, growth management, urban form and design, economic development, diversity and inclusion, recreation, and culture, and more!

    The MGA provides the direction of what an MDP must and may address:

    Mandatory Requirements

    Additional Scope

    Future land use;

    Proposals for the financing and programming of municipal infrastructure;

    How future development will occur;

    Coordination of municipal programs relating to physical, social, and economic development;

    Coordination of land use with adjacent municipalities;

    Environmental matters;

    Provision of transportation systems, within the municipality and in relation to adjacent municipalities;

    Conservation reserves;

    Provision of municipal services and facilities;

    Financial resources;

    Land use adjacent to sour gas facilities;

    Economic development; and

    Provision of municipal and school reserves; and

    Any other matter relating to the municipality's physical, social, or economic development.

    Protection of agricultural operations.

    What is the process for creating a Municipal Development Plan?

    Creating the MDP for Camrose will include a process of in-depth research and engagement. This process includes three major steps:

    1. Establishing the future vision for Camrose – What kind of future do we want for our City? What should Camrose look and feel like over the next 20 to 30 years?
    2. Creating the plan on how to get there – How will we achieve our vision? How should we approach land use, the economy, transportation, environment, and social aspects of our City to achieve the vision?
    3. Creating an implementation plan – What do we need to do? What is required to support the decision we have to make to achieve the community vision?

    How can I be involved in creating this plan?

    Public engagement and consultation with stakeholders are key components of this project. Throughout the process of rewriting the plan, the city will be inviting citizens, the business community, community organizations, developers, and government agencies to provide input and feedback.

    You can get involved by participating in future workshops and open house events. By providing feedback, you are actively helping shape the future of Camrose. To keep up to date on the project, you can visit our website at

    Project Timelines

    The timeline for the project is organized into four phases, with anticipated completion in Spring/Summer of 2024.

    Phase 1

    Project Initiation and Background Review

    November 2022 – January 2023

    Phase 2

    Technical Review and Community Vision

    February 2023 – June 2023

    Phase 3

    Draft Municipal Development Plan

    July 2023 – January 2024

    Phase 4

    Municipal Development Plan Approval

    February 2024 – May 2024

    How can I find out more about this project?

    More information about the project can be provided by:

    Francisca Fredericks, Long Range Planner

    City of Camrose

    P: 780-672-4428 E:

  • Shaping the Future of Camrose

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    This year, the City is embarking on an important project to update the Municipal Development Plan to better reflect the needs of the City and its residents. The City will be working closely with Green Space Alliance (GSA) to assist with the preparation of the new plan.

    The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is an important planning and decision-making tool that outlines the direction and strategies that inform how the City will look, feel, and grow over the next 25 years.

Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 09:02 AM