Camrose Booster Segment - November 2020

Camrose citizens have always recognized the value and community interest in our history. Properties and areas of cultural heritage value or significance provide a link to the original settlement and specific periods. The hamlet settlement was first developed around the commercial core of 50th Street, Main Street and expanded out in a circular manner. The first residences were constructed in 1905, located along 48th and 49th Street. In 1912, city planners were conscious of the advantages to building south and east of the town center, including proximity to the three rail lines, power station, and better drainage systems. The CPR, Grant Trunk Pacific Railway and the CNR had a great impact on the development of Camrose, resulting in intense economic and population growth.

A Historic Survey and Inventory was completed in 2011 by a volunteer task force. Initially 100 sites were identified, and 40 complied for the inventory with Statements of Significance. Currently, there are six sites listed on the Alberta Register of Historic Places.

In 2017, City Council created the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC), consisting of two councillors and volunteers. The purpose is to provide input and guidance to City Administration and Council on matters relating to historic resources and municipal heritage policies and programs. The committee encourages and advocates for the preservation and safeguarding of historical structures and sites.

With the assistance of a Provincial Government Grant from Alberta Culture Heritage Preservation Partnership Program, the HAC and Fireweed Consulting are developing a Heritage Management Plan that will provide the community with an innovative, sustainable and realistic framework. This will inspire the preservation and long-term viability of its unique heritage resources. This plan will help to preserve and conserve key historic buildings, residences, sites, structures and cultural landscapes in Camrose.

Background research has begun, and two workshops have been completed. Goals for the plan include to grown and protect heritage, develop incentives, tie heritage to tourism and economic development, public engagement and heritage partnerships.

In order to effectively guide the preparation of the Plan, an online survey was offered on the city website, and the City Facebook. All citizens were encouraged to participate, with submissions due on Friday, November 20th.

For additional information or comments, contact Councillor David Ofrim, Committee Chairman, or the City Planning Services at 780-672-4428.

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