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Consultation has concluded
The City of Camrose initiated the strategic planning process for the newly elected municipal Council in January 2022. The first step involved seeking input from the public on municipal services and citizens’ priorities through a Citizen Input Survey. This survey ran from January 10 – February 11, 2022 online and via hard copies at front counters of City facilities. The City promoted the survey via the local newspaper and social media and received an exceptional response rate of 924 citizen submissions. The City also conducted two citizen community conversations (online due to pandemic precautions at the time). The public engagement resulted in 8,225 pieces of qualitative data and hundreds of points of quantitative data.
In addition to citizen input, City Council also sought feedback from staff and management through a Staff Input Survey which ran January 24 – February 11, 2022 and received 119 submissions which was a fantastic response rate.
City Council participated in a strategic planning session on March 11 – 12, 2022 and reviewed the results of the Citizen Input Survey, the Staff Input Survey, and what they heard from the community during their fall election campaign. Council discussed several different topics: strengths of the City and the community, visions for the future, aspects that are going well for Camrose and aspects that are challenges, as well as trends that will impact the municipality. Next, Council deliberated on which focus areas are most crucial to the continued success for Camrose.
The City’s Management Team reviewed these possible areas and provided operational context about what resources and service levels are currently allocated to those areas and what more could be possible. City Council met again to carefully select the values for the organization, four main focus areas, and five municipal sustainability pillars that will make the biggest difference for Camrose.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this project!
The City of Camrose initiated the strategic planning process for the newly elected municipal Council in January 2022. The first step involved seeking input from the public on municipal services and citizens’ priorities through a Citizen Input Survey. This survey ran from January 10 – February 11, 2022 online and via hard copies at front counters of City facilities. The City promoted the survey via the local newspaper and social media and received an exceptional response rate of 924 citizen submissions. The City also conducted two citizen community conversations (online due to pandemic precautions at the time). The public engagement resulted in 8,225 pieces of qualitative data and hundreds of points of quantitative data.
In addition to citizen input, City Council also sought feedback from staff and management through a Staff Input Survey which ran January 24 – February 11, 2022 and received 119 submissions which was a fantastic response rate.
City Council participated in a strategic planning session on March 11 – 12, 2022 and reviewed the results of the Citizen Input Survey, the Staff Input Survey, and what they heard from the community during their fall election campaign. Council discussed several different topics: strengths of the City and the community, visions for the future, aspects that are going well for Camrose and aspects that are challenges, as well as trends that will impact the municipality. Next, Council deliberated on which focus areas are most crucial to the continued success for Camrose.
The City’s Management Team reviewed these possible areas and provided operational context about what resources and service levels are currently allocated to those areas and what more could be possible. City Council met again to carefully select the values for the organization, four main focus areas, and five municipal sustainability pillars that will make the biggest difference for Camrose.